Future perfect


'Future perfect' kipi iki unsurdan oluşur:
"to have" fiilinin 'simple future' hali (will have) + temel fiilin geçmiş zaman ortacı

Özne + will have + temel fiilin geçmiş zaman ortacı
He will have finished.
I will have finished.
To ARRIVE, 'future perfect tense'
Olumlu Olumlu Soru Cümlesi Olumsuz Soru Cümlesi
I will have arrived I won't have arrived Will I have arrived? Won't I have arrived?
You will have arrived You won't have arrived Will you have arrived? Won't you have arrived?
He will have arrived He won't have arrived Will he have arrived? Won't he have arrived?
We will have arrived We won't have arrived Will we have arrived? Won't we have arrived?
They will have arrived They won't have arrived Will they have arrived? Won't they have arrived?


'Future perfect' kipi gelecekte tamamlanan bir eylemi belirtir. Bu kipi kullandığımızda, kendimizi gelecekte canlandırır ve şu andan bir süre sonra tamamlayacağımız bir eylemden geriye doğru bakarız. Çoğunlukla bir zaman ifadesi ile beraber kullanılır.

  • I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.
  • By the time you read this I will have left.
  • You will have finished your report by this time next week.
  • Won't they have arrived by 5:00?
  • Will you have eaten when I pick you up?